England - Conflict


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Roman Wars Pre-History - 410 AD

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Anglo Saxon Wars 410 - 1060 

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Plantagenet Wars 1060 - 1485

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Tudor Stuart Wars 1485 - 1651

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Hanoverian Wars 1660 - 1783

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Napoleonic Wars 1783 - 1815

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Wars of the Empire 1816 -1913

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World War One  1914 - 1919

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Interwar Years Wars 1920 - 1939

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World War Two  1939 - 1945

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Retreat from Empire 1946 - 1982

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Modern Wars     1983 - 2022

Section one with test regarding this section. This should be no more then three lines of text.
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Section one with test regarding this section. This should be no more then three lines of text.


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