Name of Country - Periods of history

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Pre-History to 43 BC

From the arrival of the first peoples and the development of Celtic culture to the arrival of the Julius Caesar and the Romans
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Roman Britain 43 - 410

The occupation of Britian bythe Romans and the merging of cultures and peoples.
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Anglo Saxons 410-1066

The Fall ofthe Roman Empire and the arrival of the Germanic tribes, the Anglos, Saxons and the Jutes.
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Normans      1066 - 1154

Section one with test regarding this section. This should be no more then three lines of text.
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Plantagent 1154-1485

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Tudors 1485 - 1603

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Stuart 1603 - 1714

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Georgian 1714 - 1830

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Victorian 1831 - 1913

Section one with test regarding this section. This should be no more then three lines of text.
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First World War 1914 - 1919

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Interwar Years 1920 - 1938

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World War 2 1939 - 1945

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Decline of Empire 1946 - 1964

Section one with test regarding this section. This should be no more then three lines of text.
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A New England 1965 - 1990

Section one with test regarding this section. This should be no more then three lines of text.
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Modern England 1991-2016

Section one with test regarding this section. This should be no more then three lines of text.


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